Apply for Internship
Apply for Returnship

Knowledge Base

Decide what you want, believe you can have it , believe it’s Possible for You. Believing is Achieving.

Determination is the key to pursue your goals. Don’t fear the uncertainty. Determination will give you the courage to move forward.

Every experience counts, however small you may feel, it is. Your experience is your Best Teacher.

Be organised – Do your research , unlearn what’s obsolete , relearn what’s required.

First step is to come out of your Cocoon – It’s tough , you will have your share of self-doubts. Self Determination is crucial - it should radiate from your attitude and approach.

You have to sell yourself – Employers prefer skills over knowledge.

Don’t wait. Take the first step , things will start to fall in line sooner or later.

Networking is very vital. Never hesitate to approach your old colleagues for help and guidance.

Rejection is a part of the process, learn from the shortcomings. Build on your strength and improve on your weakness.

Finding right role takes time. But the end is worth the effort. Keep Trying.

Never delay your interview – Always take the earliest date possible to avoid missing out on the opportunity.

The degree of motivation is comparatively higher in returners , they are more positive and eager to perform.

Hope you have landed on the right page?

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