The Power Of Financial Independence For Women
- Posted In : 2021-Apr-08
A girl stood in front of her dad, trembling, as she approached him to ask for money for some books she wanted to read.
The same girl, now a woman, stood in front of her husband, trembling, as she wondered how to ask him for money for new clothes.
Decades and decades of the patriarchy have declared that the men of the household are to control all finances. Even though many people have moved past this rigged system, many women in India still seem to be unable to gain true financial independence.
When the finances are controlled by someone else, there is pressure placed on the woman where she has lost all choice. The obligation to ask someone else to buy something they desire can completely shatter a woman’s self-confidence and integrity.
The only way around this is to take control of your finances.
‘If you want to be financially free, you need to become a different person than you are today and let go of whatever has held you back in the past.’ - Robert Kiyosaki
If women are able to be doctors, mechanical engineers, take care of households day in and day out, learning how to manage their finances is significantly easier.
‘Realise that your dreams of financial independence have already come true on the mental plane, by the time you desire them or become aware of them.’ - Catherine Ponder
Ask friends and family. Chances are that your friends and family are likely to help you embark on this journey to becoming independent and happier. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. We all need help sometimes. Perhaps consider investing in a financial advisor.
Contact your local bank. Your bank is perhaps the best intermediary to get financial advice. They will be more than willing to help you take control of your money. Try creating your own debit account or savings account. You are likely to feel much more confident and happier after.
Invest. Investing is a risky business, but it is necessary to understand your finances thoroughly. Only by practicing risk tolerance will you be able to completely understand the workings of money. Call your shots - it’s your money.
Attend seminars and training sessions that mentor women with much-required workshop sessions on how to manage your finance independently and powerfully.
Gaining financial independence is a long journey, but a necessary one. In this time and age, it is ignorant to completely rely on others on such important aspects. Everyone should know how to control and take care of their own financial needs.
The sweet, sweet taste of economic independence can make you feel happier than you’ve ever been. You can fulfill all of your heart’s desires without any fear or uncertainty of having to ask someone else. So, go out there, and take control of your money.
‘There is no one who would guarantee you the security, financial independence, and the lifestyle you want except yourself.’ - Haisah Aisya
Author : Meghala Srinath
Meghala Srinath loves writing about things that aspire her and spending time with friends and family.
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